But, the problem we’re often faced with is — what is point B? What does it look like? Previously, scenario planning was often a long and expensive process, usually undertaken by governments, NGOs, and think tanks. That doesn’t work for most businesses. The answer is agile.
In a volatile, uncertain world, scenario planning, now more than ever, is mission-critical. But, how? It can be expensive and take more time and resources than you have. fassforward’s agile approach to creating scenarios can be done as quickly as 4-6 weeks.
Scenario Planning is here to help you figure out what B looks like and how to re-imagine a future with political, economic, social, and technological trends making permanent shifts to your strategy.
What you get.
Building skill and business capability.
Our course.
Our Scenario Planning training is live-online. Designed to deliver intimacy, insight, interaction, and impact. Our facilitators are experts in creating experiences, amplifying relevance, and using stories to create a connection with the content, and ‘Aha’ moments.
Scenario planning is a misnomer. It’s a plan to build a scenario and a foundation for a strategic plan. Learn about Scenario Planning and the agile methodology.
The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed. Brainstorm key trends and factors most likely to affect your business.
Every crisis accelerates some slow trends and disrupts others. Develop scenario themes and assess plausibility.
Data, we don’t believe. Tell me a story instead. Use storytelling to turn the themes into a cohesive scenario narrative.
The biggest risk may be doing nothing. Present final scenarios — the risks associated and the impact on the current strategy.